Privacy Policy

Ombre Bliss under R3 International prioritizes the utmost standards for secure transactions and the protection of your Personal Information and its privacy. Please read the following statement to understand our practices regarding information gathering and dissemination.

Note: Our privacy policy is subject to change at any time without notice. To stay informed about any changes, please review this policy periodically.

Ombre Bliss is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy.

This Privacy Policy outlines the types of personal information collected on the Ombre Bliss website, how we mutually benefit from such information, how we use it, and with whom we may share it. Additionally, the Privacy Policy describes the measures taken to secure this information, as well as how you can access, modify, or delete your personal information at any time. It also explains how you can object to the processing of your personal information or receiving communications about our products and services.

By using the website, you expressly consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information in line with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree, please refrain from using or accessing our Site.


Collection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Other Information

Ombre Bliss collects information solely to ensure accurate service. Most of the information collected is basic and necessary to complete a purchase or process a refund. Examples of customer information collected include name, address, telephone number, date of birth, email address, purchased items descriptions, language preference, IP address, operating system of your device, and browser type and version.

We do not sell, distribute, or lease your personal information to third parties.

We may automatically track certain information about you based on your behavior on our site. This helps us conduct internal research on users' demographics, interests, and behaviors to better understand, protect, and serve them. This information is aggregated and analyzed. It may include the URL you came from and the URL you go to next, your computer's browser information, and your IP address.

Credit Card, Debit Card, and Banking Information

Ombre Bliss does not collect or store credit card, debit card, or banking information. Such information is directly transmitted through the payment gateway provider to the payment network or bank.


To access certain features of the site, registration and creation of a member account are required, which is free of charge. During registration, you may be asked to provide information such as your name, email address, and password.

Your password is part of our security system, and it is your responsibility to protect it. Do not share your password with third parties. If your password is compromised, change it immediately.

Technologies to Customize Your Experience on Ombre Bliss

We use various technologies to collect information related to your website visit, such as URL, IP address, browser type, browser language, date, and time of your request. This helps us enhance and customize your experience on our website.

Web Beacons and Tracking Links

Web Beacons, tracking links, and similar technologies are embedded on our website pages. They are often used with cookies and may not be visible to users. These technologies may relay information to third parties and help track customer responses to advertising, target interactive advertising, and improve customer support and usability.


We use cookies on certain website pages to analyze web page flow, measure promotional effectiveness, and promote trust and safety. Cookies are small files placed on your hard drive to assist in providing our services. Most cookies are session cookies, meaning they are deleted at the end of a session. You can decline cookies, but this may limit certain website features.

Use of Your Personal Information, Demographic and Profile Data

We use personal information to provide requested services and, if applicable, provide the ability to opt out of marketing communications. Personal information is also used for dispute resolution, problem troubleshooting, promoting a safe service, collecting payments, measuring consumer interest, informing about offers, customizing experiences, detecting and protecting against errors, fraud, and other criminal activity, enforcing terms and conditions, and as described at the time of collection.

We collect and analyze demographic and profile data to improve product and service offerings. IP addresses are used to diagnose server problems and administer the website. Occasionally, optional online surveys are conducted to tailor site experiences and content.

Mutual Benefits from Personal Information

Marketing Emails

If you provide your email address, we may send newsletters, surveys, or other email messages containing product and event information, cosmetics tips, or promotions. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Text Messages

If you provide your mobile phone number, you may receive text message alerts containing product and event information, cosmetics tips, or promotions. We do not send unsolicited text messages, and there is no charge from Ombre Bliss to receive such messages.

Telephone Calls

Providing your phone number may result in receiving phone calls with product and event information, cosmetics tips, or promotions.

Communications to Serve You

Providing contact information allows us to send service-related announcements by any means, respond to service requests or questions, and deliver welcoming emails to registered users.

Customized Service

Personal information may be used to provide customized services and suggestions tailored to your interests.

Special Events, Questionnaires, and Surveys

Occasionally, special events, questionnaires, or surveys may be sponsored. Specific rules may apply, and personal information processing will adhere to this Privacy Policy unless otherwise stated.

Advertisements on Ombre Bliss

Third-party advertising companies may serve ads on our website based on your visits to this and other websites. We are not responsible for your visits to other websites or any information provided therein.

Links to Other Sites

Links to third-party websites may be provided for convenience. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of linked sites.

Sharing of Personal Information

Personal information may be shared with corporate entities and affiliates to detect and prevent illegal acts, correlate related accounts, and facilitate joint services. Third parties may perform functions on our behalf but are restricted from using information other than for specified purposes. You may consent to sharing information with third parties, and such information may be used for their own purposes.

Disclosure of personal information may occur if required by law or in good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to respond to legal processes, enforce terms, protect rights, property, or personal safety.

Business Transfer

In the event of a business merger or acquisition, personal information may be shared/sold with another business entity, which will be required to follow this Privacy Policy.

Transfer of Data to Other Countries

Personal information is stored in India unless transferred to another country, in which case legal protections applicable to personal information in that country will apply.


Users have the option to opt out of non-essential communications after setting up an account.

Policy Change

Changes to the Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. Significant changes may be notified via email.

Your Comments

Feedback is welcome. Questions or comments about privacy policies can be sent to


We may electronically monitor the portal and disclose content or communication to satisfy legal requirements, operate the portal, or protect rights. We reserve the right to refuse product sales if there are suspicions of resale.


The Ombre Bliss website is not designed for persons under 18, and we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from individuals under 18. If you are under 18, please refrain from providing personal information.

Your Consent

By using the Website and/or providing information, you consent to the collection and use of disclosed information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

If you believe any information we hold is incorrect or incomplete, please contact us to